How to lose belly fat by motivation?

Wednesday, 19 December 2012 - Posted by Jane Desten at 23:56

Everyone wants to look attractive, isn’t it? A fit body is the most desirable thing on one’s list. But an ugly belly ruins that dream. It kills our personality. If you are one of those, whose life is wasted because of that extra belly, read this article to learn how to lose belly fat.
If you have already tried everything and still not succeeded, I would say there is something wrong with your approach. You don’t need to remain hungry or sweat your life in the gym or even go any kind of intense surgery to lose your belly, that’s not exercise, that’s actually some kind of torture. All you need to learn the right steps that will reveal the secret for losing belly fat.
To motivate yourself in a rather sarcastic way, I must tell you that belly fat can be the cause of diabetes, cancer or any other cardiovascular ailments.
Although, do not starve but do change your diet, eat as much as before but eat wise, start having whole grains, fruits, oatmeal and vegetables instead of many useless high calorie stuffs like cookies or margarines. Instead of hydrogenated oil, use soya bean oil.
Spoiler alert, if you are a booze guy, that needs to get away from you, instead try water or lemonade. If you resist doing so, you can only learn how to Reduce Fat Fast , but you can’t actually lose it.
For even more motivation, keep a fat caliper with you, do your belly check once or twice in a month, you will be very encouraged to see it going from your body. Also keep track of your progress by making a graph and surprise yourself with that belly downfall.
This is the answer for how to lose belly fat and motivate yourself also at the same time.